Tax deduction on home sports lessons: Tax advantages and eligibility

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Outline of the article:

  1. Introduction
    • Definition of the tax deduction on home sports lessons.
  2. Tax advantages of home sports coaching services
    • Income tax reduction.
    • Deductible expense limits.
  3. Eligibility of DigiCoachme services for tax deduction
    • Requirements.
    • Search for certified sports coaches on DigiCoachMe.
  4. Procedure to benefit from the tax deduction
    • Inclusion of expenses in the tax return.
    • Retention of payment receipts.
  5. Additional resources
    • Contact the French tax authorities.
    • Official website for more information.

Tax deduction on a home sports course

1- Introduction

The tax deduction on a home sports course is a tax advantage offered to French taxpayers to encourage access to sports coaching services. In this article, we will explore the tax benefits, the eligibility of DigiCoachme services for this deduction, as well as the procedure to follow to benefit from them.

2- Tax Benefits of Home Sports Coaching Services

Home sports coaching services offer French taxpayers the opportunity to reduce their income tax. This deduction allows you to deduct part of the expenses related to personal services, including sports coaching sessions.

Income Tax Reduction

The tax deduction on home sports lessons allows taxpayers to reduce their income tax, which is a significant financial advantage.

Deductible Expense Limits

It is important to note that deductible expenses are subject to limits. Taxpayers must respect these limits in order to fully benefit from the tax deduction.

3- Eligibility of DigiCoachme Services for Tax Deduction

Home sports coaching services offered by certified sports coaches on DigiCoachme are eligible for tax deduction in France. However, certain conditions must be met to benefit from this deduction.


To benefit from the tax deduction, sports coaching sessions must be provided at home by an approved provider. In addition, the provider must be up to date in the payment of social security contributions, and the sessions must be invoiced and paid in accordance with legal procedures.

Search for Certified Sports Coaches on DigiCoachMe

On DigiCoachMe, you can easily find certified sports coaches by consulting their profile. Licensed coaches will usually have information about their certification or membership in professional organizations in their profile.

4- Procedure to benefit from the Tax Deduction

Déduction d'impôt sur un coaching sportif

To benefit from the tax deduction on a home sports course, it is essential to follow an adequate procedure. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Inclusion of Expenses in the Annual Tax Return: When filing your annual tax return, be sure to include expenses related to home sports coaching sessions. This can be done in the appropriate section dedicated to expenses related to human services.
  2. Retention of Payment Certificates: It is crucial to keep all proof of payment for sports coaching sessions. This includes invoices issued by the service provider, as well as bank statements or online payment receipts.
  3. Verification of Eligibility Conditions: Before declaring expenses, make sure that the sports coaching sessions meet all the eligibility requirements required by the French tax authorities. This implies in particular that the sessions must be delivered at home by an approved provider, that the latter must be up to date in the payment of its social security contributions, and that the sessions must be invoiced and paid in accordance with legal procedures.
  4. Request for Assistance in Case of Need: If you have any doubts or questions about the procedure to follow, do not hesitate to contact the French tax authorities. They can provide you with advice and guidance specific to your situation.

By following this procedure carefully, you will be able to fully benefit from the tax deduction on your home sports lessons, which will allow you to make significant savings on your income tax.

5- Additional Resources

For complete and up-to-date information on the tax deduction for personal services in France, you can contact the French tax authorities or consult their official website.


In conclusion, the tax deduction on a home sports course offers a financial advantage to French taxpayers while encouraging the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. The home sports coaching services available on DigiCoachme are eligible for this deduction, subject to certain conditions.


1. Can you benefit from a tax deduction in France for home sports coaching services with DigiCoachme?

Yes, home sports coaching sessions offered by approved sports coaches on DigiCoachme are eligible for the tax deduction in France.

2. Which DigiCoachme services are eligible for the tax deduction in France?

Sports coaching sessions at home offered by approved sports coaches on DigiCoachMe are eligible for tax deduction in France.

3. What are the conditions to benefit from the tax deduction?

To benefit from the tax deduction, sports coaching sessions must be provided at home, the provider must be licensed, up to date with the payment of social security contributions and the sessions must be invoiced and paid in accordance with legal procedures.

4. What are the tax benefits of the tax deduction for home sports coaching services?

The tax deduction allows French taxpayers to reduce their income tax by deducting part of expenses related to personal services, including sports coaching sessions at home.

5. Are there spending limits for the tax deduction?

Yes, expenses related to personal services, including home sports coaching, are capped. Taxpayers must respect these limits to benefit from the tax deduction.

Published on :
July 21, 2024