Indoor Sports Coaching: Benefits and Prices

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It's no secret that regular physical activity is important for maintaining good health. Indeed, since the Covid-19 health crisis, many people are giving more importance to having a better lifestyle by eating better and practicing more sport. Whether at home, in the open air or in the gym, the benefits of physical activities should never be overlooked.

The market for personal sports coaching is on the rise and while many are in the process of turning to private coaching at home, others are choosing to go to the gym.

Indeed, a survey carried out by Xerfi in 2022 showed that more than 6 million French people have a subscription to a gym, i.e. one French person out of 11.

In addition, it is true that when you are just starting out, with all the different machines, it is difficult to know what to do in the classroom, especially when you have a well-defined objective.

This is why it is advisable to call on a professional.

In this article, we will explain the importance of sports coaching in the gym, how it can help you achieve your physical, health and well-being goals as well as the different rates offered by professionals.

Why use a sports coach in the gym?

We have all had that moment of “distress”, where we go in circles in a gym, not knowing what to do, what machines to use, or even how to use them. The solution is simple: hire a sports coach. Indeed, hiring a professional has several advantages and may even save your life when you are just starting out.

These benefits include:

- 100% personalized support for optimal results!

- Unlike the standardized group classes offered by the majority of gyms, a personal coach will focus on your profile in order to create a personalized program for you, specific to your needs and goals.

- A professional will take several criteria into play to ensure that each exercise is adapted to your level and your physical and sporting abilities. It will essentially start identifying your needs and goals, while taking into account your sports and medical history.

- A personal coach varies according to the client's expectations: whether you want to lose calories, gain muscle mass or tone up, the exercises will be adapted for you. In addition, by hiring a sports coach, you will benefit from special attention and personalized follow-up to ensure that you are on the right track to achieve your goals.

- Varied sessions to stimulate motivation

A great thing about working with a coach in the gym is the variety of sessions and exercises to keep you motivated and to optimize your results. A professional will make sure that you never have to follow the same sessions and will always bring something new to your training. You will also be able to discover new techniques and new training methods to achieve your goals and succeed in your physical and mental transformation. Whether with cardio or strength training sessions, using machines or a simple mat, your coach will never stop impressing you!

- Targeted exercises for better efficiency:

Unlike when you train alone with random exercises, sports coaching in the gym will allow you to work and focus on a very specific need.

The coach has the possibility of coaching in a targeted manner, which will allow you to obtain results more quickly and above all more effectively.

- The most important thing is your safety!

One of the missions of the coach during your session is to show you the best techniques in order to avoid injuries related to poor execution of movements.

So, even if the big machines in the gym can be intimidating and scary, by working with a coach, you will benefit from constant supervision and professional supervision.

- Your source of motivation:

The process of physical transformation requires time and a lot of perseverance. The challenge can take longer than you think and you just have to be patient. An indoor sports coach will be your mentor and source of motivation throughout the course. He will be there to encourage you, support you and push you to go beyond your limits, so that you don't give up.

- Additional services:

Several coaches offer additional services such as:

Nutrition advice and development of a specific diet plan
Stress management and relaxation coaching
Online training sessions or remote training programs
In-home coaching sessions

The additional services can help you stay motivated through the variety of workouts and the change in environment.

How much do sports coaching sessions cost in the gym?

Before talking about the different rates that gyms offer for private coaching, you must first understand the different criteria that influence the price.

- The experience and skills of the coach:

Like all jobs, prices in gyms depend a lot on the level of experience and skills of the sports coach. Indeed, a professional with more certifications, years of experience and specific skills in a particular field can afford to charge more.

- The coach's level of expertise:

The level of expertise of a coach affects the prices he offers for his training sessions. For example, if he is a specialist in a particular discipline such as weight training or weight loss, his prices will differ from others on the market.

- The gym:

Private coaching rates vary from gym to gym. In fact, in several sports centers, the price of sessions is set by the manager of the establishment and not by the coach himself.

- The duration and frequency of the sessions:

It is quite logical that the rates for a 30-minute session are lower than those of an hour or more. Another thing to consider is the number of sessions. Gyms generally offer packages combining several sessions and not individually.

- Geographical location:

Geographical location is also an important factor to consider. A lot of criteria come into play, such as the rent that gyms pay, the price of public transport, etc... Generally, prices will be higher in big cities where the demand for sports coaching is greater.

- Additional services:

Many coaches offer additional services such as the development of diets, training planning or follow-ups outside of the main sessions, which affects the price.

In France, the rates for private coaching sessions in the gym are around 50 to 80 euros per hour. There are also rates for those who want to train as a duo, and it can cost between 30 and 50 euros per person. On the other hand, coaching sessions in small groups, of 3 to 6 people, the rates per hour can range from 20 to 30 euros per person.

The price factor should be taken into account but it is important to know how to compare sports coaches before hiring one, especially on their skills and experience.


Although today, you can find several online sports programs, sports coaching in the gym is a good alternative and has many advantages. The gym is a great environment to stay motivated and focused on your goals. You have access to a complete range of equipment to benefit from optimal support. In addition, the price of the sessions offered is often controlled, which makes it possible to avoid paying more than the prices on the market. Rates also vary according to several criteria such as the level of personalization, the geographical location of the room, or even the frequency of sessions.

Sports coaching in the gym is ideal for achieving your goals and staying motivated and the environment greatly favors support thanks to a range of quality machines.

Published on :
July 21, 2024